Poster for the DEY Advocacy Campaign with numerous hands of multiple skin colors join into a heart
In Defense of Early Childhood Education and Care
Restoring the Link Between HIgh Quality and Child Development

Read, Endorse, and Share Our Statement

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What We Know ABout Child Development References

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Campaign Endorsers

Displaying 51 - 75 of 177

FirstLastAffiliationCity, State, Country
MariaHopkinsNature Preschool administrator and teacherDuluth, MN USA
LeslieOppenheimerCenter for Young Children Lab School-University of MarylandCollege Park, MD USA
LizTertellLewis.eduRomeoville, Il USA
LauraWhittakerWind Ridge Schoolhouse, Duluth Nature Play Collaborative, MN Early Childhood OutdoorsDuluth
SandraEarleOregon Association for the Education of Young childrenPortland, Oregon USA
LindaMeadeRetired teacherVancouver, Washington
BenEarleIrvington Cooperative PreschoolPortland, OR USA
ElizabethMadejDenver Public SchoolsDenver, CO, U.S.
EvelynPineda-DugayUCLA ECELos Angeles, CA, United States
RebeccaWeinerLearn Play Grow Educational ConsultingHouston, TX, USA
SarahChappleEarly Years SupporterDuluth, MN, USA
LauraKatesEducation Professor, Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New YorkBrooklyn, NY USA
RebecaItzkowichErikson InstituteEvanston
Mary AnnBiermeierValley of the Sun Early Childhood AssociationPhoenix, AZ U.S.A.
RaePicaRae Pica Keynotes & ConsultingAlexandria, VA, US
DanielleHunterVernon CT, USA
BeckyGamacheDuluth PreschoolDuluth, MN USA
StephanieGeneseoAll Nestled Inn Family ChildcareChesapeake Ohio United States
DavidJohnsonSeattle, Washington, USA
AlexiciaSimsToledo, Ohio, usa
GretchenAmesEarly Childhood AdvocateSan Francisco, California, USA
SuzanneCourvilleSan Diego, CA
LindsayNeffWilmington Delaware USA
KumuduniWijesingheEYET Early Learning CentToronto
FirstLastAffiliationCity, State, Country

Join Us as we advocate in defense of early childhood education and care that restores the link between high quality and principles of child development! 

Despite decades of research on child development that provides a blueprint for designing high-quality early childhood education and care programs, we continue to see a rise in the proliferation of harmful curricula and pedagogies for young children. Educators trained in child development know how to provide high-quality early childhood education and care. Unfortunately, our lawmakers and elected officials are allowing corporations and consultants to push inappropriate curriculums and instructional strategies under a misguided belief that high quality must be tied to academic learning and rigid teacher-directed practices.  


The Issue

High-quality early childhood education and care must be based on principles of child development. The research on how young children develop makes it clear that they need ample time to play, inquire, build, create, sing, move, talk, and pursue their own interests.  High-quality early childhood education and care promote environments and practices that center on whole child development. Attempts to force academic instruction into pre-kindergarten classrooms have led to worse academic outcomes by sixth grade (see a guest blog on this study). An early focus on academic skills does not allow young children to develop the foundational skills needed to support academic achievement later. The time has come for us to advocate for restoring the link between high quality and child development. We must resist demands from those who do not understand how children develop, demands that jeopardize the ability of our children to experience true early childhood education and care.  

Stand with us as defenders of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Sign up to join our advocacy campaign. We will share opportunities to amplify your voice in ensuring all children have access to high-quality early childhood education and care programs.  

Our In Defense of Early Childhood Education and Care Campaign will include the following:
  • A sign-on statement that briefly outlines the issue and what we are fighting for.
  • Mini-videos with supporters discussing the campaign and strategies for change.
  • One-page fact sheets for advocating.
  • Space and tools for networking regionally.
  • Templates for writing letters to elected officials and op-eds.
  • DEY Virtual Town Halls.
  • Social media content and resource materials.