Our event was held at the Sedgwick County Extension office. DEY’s funds helped us secure our event location. One goal was to have 200 early childhood professionals nominated in our area. We are happy to report that we had 276 nomination forms come through with 201 early childhood professional nominated. In 9 years of hosting this event that was our biggest yet. Our goal is to always bring awareness to the community about the importance of early childhood education. We submitted proclamations with both our city and county along with inviting them to attend. City council Women Becky Tuttle not only took us up on our offer but was our MC for the event. We are looking forward to our future partnership with her. City County Commissioner Sarah Lopez was in attendance at our event as well.

This project brought together city and county officials with those who are on the front lines each day doing the work. The day of the event always brings joy to those nominated by being publicly recognized by their peers and other professionals for all the hard work they do each day. Our organization membership grows each year with this event. We had around 300 people in attendance at the event.