Honor an Educator

Honor an Educator

Thank you to each of our generous donors who contributed to DEY’s Honor an Educator Campaign. And congratulations to all the honorees.

Four profiles are displayed with images and descriptions for Rukia Rogers, Alden Parker, and Adrienne Smith. An image for Jessica Miller is labeled "Image Coming Soon.
A collage of tributes honoring Jane Roberts, Edgar Klugman, Rixa Evershed, and Blakely Bundy, with summaries of their contributions and influences.
A circular photo of Nancy Carlsson-Paige above text detailing her achievements in education and child development advocacy.
Want to Honor an Educator? Donate to DEY, and we will add your honoree here. Donations will support keeping our 6th annual Summer Institute free and Professional Learning Institute programming low-cost or free!
Blue and white flyer for the DEY Summer Institute, detailing sponsorship options and benefits, including sponsoring panels and educators with special recognition at the event.