Regional Working Groups

DEY Regional Childhood Defenders Working groups

We are excited to announce the formation of six DEY Regional Childhood Defender Working Groups.

We are recruiting early childhood advocates to join local groups that can work together to advance our mission and our campaign on restoring the link between high quality and child development.

DEY Regional Childhood Defender Working Groups allow our community of early childhood educators, advocates, and parents to ensure that the people working in and affected by early childhood policy and practice are the voice of what policy and practice changes need to be enacted.

Together we will document how grassroots groups of early childhood advocates can produce the change we need to protect childhood.

Check out the groups below and follow DEY for updates on their work.

No regional group in your area? Stay tuned as we hope to launch new groups in the future!

Kentucky area working group childhood defenders logo.

Kentucky Area Working Group


Michele Hemenway Pullen

Hans Petersen

Group Focus

In the state of Kentucky and city of Louisville broad conversations and policymaking is happening directly impacting this mission in the formation of “Universal Pre-K ” services. This group will focus on lifting voices to ensure that those in positions of power consider all those impacted by their decisions, most important, the children themselves.

Massachusetts working group child defenders logo.

Massachusetts Working Group


Suzanne Stillinger

Aidn White

Group Focus

As a group we want to work on identifying and addressing barriers practitioners face in being able to provide developmentally-appropriate, culturally competent and responsive education and care, including the role of neuroscience and neuro types and how we inadvertently introduce and reinforce biases in our classrooms and within our communities.

California working group child defenders logo.

California Working Group


Dana Cox

Lisa Gerber

Group Focus

Our goal is to facilitate conversation and advocacy opportunities that connect to the DEY mission and vision, particularly as CA expands to Universal Preschool.

Dey defending the early years greater chicago working group.

Greater Chicago Working Group

Co-Facilitators Needed

Group Focus


Tennessee working group childhood defenders logo.

Tennessee Working Group


Annie Paraison

Zoe Mathews

Group Focus

The TN DEY Workgroup focuses on Early Childhood Education workforce development. We hope to develop intentional and measurable goals with our group members to advance ECEC in Tennessee.

New hampshire working group child defenders logo.

New Hampshire Working Group


Jacqueline Firmin

Jennifer Berube

Group Focus

Early Childhood Educators gathering to work toward creating a developmentally appropriate environment for children in New Hampshire while working with community leaders, decision makers and leadership to pave a bright future in quality care.