Reflective Practitioner Series

Blue graphic with the logo and text: "DEY Defending the Early Years Professional Learning Institute" and "Reflective Practitioner Series" in white and yellow.
Reflect, Advocate, Transform: In Defense of Childhood
“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”

– John Dewey, Experience and Education 

“The insistence that the oppressed engage in reflection on their concrete situation is not a call to armchair revolution. On the contrary, reflection – true reflection – leads to action.” 

– Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed 

“The most important thing we can do as educators is to maintain a reflective disputation toward our practice. There is always room to begin anew, deepen your existing practice, and to discern what works best for your particular interests, needs, and context. Reflection and its fruits are, ultimately, a testament to an image of children as capable human beings who lead rich lives, hold complex ideas, and experience the world deeply.” 

– Ron Grady, Carving Out Time for Wonder: Reflective Practices in Early Childhood Pedagogy 

As early childhood educators we are well versed in the importance of reflecting on our practices. Many of us received ample opportunity and experience reflecting during our pre-service education and we understand that to be an intentional educator means to engage in on-going reflection. Though we might struggle to make time for deep reflective practices, we often engage in reflection each day as we make choices for the environment and create invitations for children to explore and co-learn with us. Reflection is an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle. 

How can reflective practices improve our ability to advocate for just, equitable early childhood education for all? What does reflection in defense of childhood look like? We explore these and many other questions in our new DEY Reflective Practitioner Series. As part of the DEY Professional Learning Institute, this series will combine important features of reflective practices with our mission to advance high-quality early learning that promotes whole-child development and fosters our commitment to anti-bias and anti-racism. 

As Ron Grady notes, at the heart of reflective practices is strengthening our image of the child as capable, and John Dewey reminded us that reflection is how we learn. But when we connect reflection to Paulo Freire’s belief that true reflection leads to action, we see the value in linking reflective practices to our advocacy. Advocating for all young children to spend their early years in safe, nurturing environments remains a vital component of the work of early childhood educators. In our Reflective Practitioner Series, not only will you reflect on your instructional practice, relationships with children, and curriculum choices, but you will also make deep connections between the work you do each day with children and the work we must all do to protect childhood. 

Reflective Practitioner Series 2: Racial Identity in ECEC
Defending the Early Years presents its Reflective Practitioner Series flyer, offering a comprehensive framework and courses that explore racial identity in early education.

DEY invites you to learn about our new framework, Fostering Healthy Identity in the Early Years: Affirming Race, Culture, and Identity. Now more than ever, we, as early childhood educators and caregivers, must recognize our unique ability to support young children in developing a positive racial identity. In addition to supporting a young child’s physical, cognitive, language, and social/emotional development, early childhood teachers must support healthy identity development. Positive racial identity development is crucial to ensuring all children have the self-confidence required for leading healthy, fulfilling lives.

In the second installment of our Reflective Practitioner Series, DEY Executive Director Denisha Jones will provide a framework for deepening your practices to support young children in navigating racial socialization. Despite the attempts by a vocal minority to silence diverse voices and prevent young children from learning about racial justice, we at DEY are committed to preparing young children to dismantle white supremacy. We believe young children are ready and able to resist accepting racism and all forms of oppression if we give them the tools to make sense of the world around them.

This course begins with an introductory video and webinar, which are open to everyone. It then transitions into a series of three mini-courses for monthly subscribers. The mini-courses include live Zoom workshops, reflective workbooks, and resources to support you on this journey. Denisha has organized the course into the following topics:

  • Introduction to the Framework (*)
  • Socialization and Social Identity (**)
  • Racial, Ethnic, and Culture (REC) Identity Development (**)
  • Fostering Healthy REC Identity Development in the Early Years (**)

*Live Webinar open to all

** Reflective Practitioner Series Course Only

If we are to educate young people to build an anti-bias and anti-racist world, we must begin by fostering healthy racial, ethnic, and cultural identity in the early years. We can no longer hold on to the misconception that children are too young for this vital work. Instead, we must recognize how racial identity development can be healthy and unhealthy and accept our role in ensuring that all children develop a healthy racial identity.

Promotional image for "Reflective Practitioner Series" by The Professional Learning Institute featuring three children and subscription details for teachers.
Image showing four benefits of a subscription with DEY Institute: PD Videos, Reflective Workbooks, Discussion Sessions, and Workshop Discounts. Each benefit is described with a corresponding icon.

The Reflective Practitioner Series is a subscription-based Professional Learning Community that includes access to monthly videos and reflective workbooks. For $25 a month you will receive access to the resources included in each series and invitations to join a monthly Zoom discussion. 

For $25 a month you get access to all of the Reflective Practitioner Series Courses!!
Previous Courses
Childhood Protector’s Hub
A woman smiles on the left; text on the right reads "Professional Learning Institute Presents: Childhood Protector's Hub" with the DEY logo.

Early childhood practitioner, Kisa Marx invites you to join her on a series of reflective practice explorations. The Childhood Protectors Hub will include six videos, reflective workbooks, and a monthly Zoom discussion hosted by Kisa. Designed for ECE professionals at all levels, all you need is a receptive spirit and a bit of curiosity! Check out the topics included in this series: 

  1. Embracing Curiosity: How to Foster Justice Through Exploration and Discovery
  2. Empowering Agents of Change in the Early Years 
  3. The Revolution Will Be Televised: Why Your Advocacy is Key in Liberating Early Learning 
  4. Being What We Can See: How Positive Identity Fosters Belonging in the Learning Environment 
  5. Lift Every Voice: 5 Ways to Encourage Movement and Voice 
  6. Liberated Learning: Environments for Every Teaching Approach