The Village School of Louisville, KY Shows the Film “Most Likely to Succeed”

The Village School of Louisville received a DEY Mini Grant.  Here is their report:

The Village School of Louisville received a DEY Mini Grant of $500 to show the film “Most Likely to Succeed.” The showing was on May 17, 2022 and was followed by discussion led by Terry Fontenot and Dr. Christy Mcgee. We advertised the film showing through social media channels and word of mouth, starting with families at The Village School of Louisville. Attendance included both community members and families and students at The Village School of Louisville. The post-film discussion was energetic and included a discussion of concerns about breadth versus depth of learning with different approaches to education as well as the lack of soft skill development in the traditional models of education in the United States. Childcare was offered during the film to facilitate participation in the discussion about educational approaches in the United States.

The $500 funds were spent as follows:

  1. Purchase of the film and rights with shipping and handling: $420
  2. Screen rental: $25
  3. Popcorn and water: $55 ($16.49 per package of popcorn, 2 packages total; $27.45 per package of water; amount over $55 is donated)
  4. Childcare: donated
  5. Projector and speakers: donated

Thank you for the opportunity provided by this grant; we expect to continue the community conversation and show the film again as discussion about our educational approaches and systems is vital to not just our youth, but our community as a whole. Please see a few pictures of the event attached to this email.