We are excited to share that a bill promoting play-based learning in the early grades will have a public hearing before the Education Committee on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 beginning at 12:00 pm. The Connecticut Association of Schools and The Connecticut Education Association have worked collaboratively with other educational stakeholders to move this forward, and we are seeking your support.
This is an important opportunity for the public to make legislators aware that play is essential to children’s physical and mental health as well as their cognitive development and academic success.
How can you help? There are three ways.
1. Support Section 11 of proposed House Bill 6884, AN ACT CONCERNING THE RECRUITMENT, RETENTION AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE TEACHING PROFESSION. Section 11 of this massive bill (section 11 begins on line 556) requires purposeful, play-based learning be incorporated throughout the school day in grades Pre-K and Kindergarten and permits it in grades 1-5.
The public hearing will be held in Room 1E of the Legislative Office Building at 300 Capitol Avenue in Hartford and will also be held on Zoom. You can testify either in-person or virtually. We are seeking individuals to submit written testimony and/or speak publicly at the hearing.
Anyone interested in testifying can do so in-person or via Zoom (click on highlighted links below). For your convenience, some talking points are included at the end of this email. Please also consider sharing your story and expertise.
Click Here to: register to testify in person or via Zoom
Click Here to: submit written testimony
Click Here to: watch live stream of public hearing
If you testify in person or virtually on Zoom, you will be allotted just three minutes to speak, so please be sure to stay within this time limit and include only your most salient and persuasive points. You can remind the committee members to refer to your written testimony for more details.
2. Help us get the word out. If you know of an organization that would support integrating more play-based learning in schools, please share section 11 of Bill 6884 with them and encourage them to testify. We are looking for organizations and associations whose members include or support: parents, children, childhood mental and physical health practitioners, etc.
3. Please contact members of the Education Committee, particularly if you reside in their district, and ask for their support for more purposeful play-based learning in the early grades. You can find the members of the Education Committee here: https://www.cga.ct.gov/ed/.
Early Childhood EducationSubmitted on:
March 14, 2023Submitted by:
Peg Oliveira | DirectorContact Email:
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