Boston Premier of “Backpack Full of Cash” is a Huge Hit!

DEY’s Senior Advisor, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, and her son, Matt Damon, participated in the recent screening of Backpack Full of Cash.DEY’s Senior Advisor, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, and her son, Matt Damon, participated in the recent screening of Backpack Full of Cash. The film explores the growing privatization of public schools and the resulting impact on America’s most vulnerable children. Filmed in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Nashville and other cities, it takes viewers through the tumultuous 2013-14 school year, exposing the world of education “reform” where public education – starved of resources and awash in standardized testing – hangs in the balance.

The Boston premier screening, sponsored by Citizens for Public Schools,, Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood,  and Defending the Early Years, was was shown to a capacity audience at the Wheelock College Family Theater on September 13. After the film, there was a roundtable discussion, featuring Dr. Carlsson-Paige, Damon (a product of the Boston Public Schools), CCFC’s Josh Golin, and Boston Teachers’ Union President, Jessica Tang, and Boston student activist, Luis Navarro.

To host a screening at your school, organization, or community, click here.

DEY’s Senior Advisor, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, and her son, Matt Damon, participated in the recent screening of Backpack Full of Cash.