Our project goal is to increase opportunities for sensory play for young children and educating the grownup caregivers on the…
Hope School organized a Community Event to Sensitize School Heads, Teachers, Parents, Educational and Security Stakeholders on the Importance of Play in holistic growth of the Child.
The Proposal and Results: My proposal requested funds to be able to share complementary copies of Not My Idea: A…
WildRoots Play was awarded this Mini Grant for our nature playgroup start-up costs, including advocacy for best practices in our work with families and young children.
The Somerville Community Growing Center, www.thegrowingcenter.org in Somerville, MA is a place for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to gather, learn, and celebrate in nature, together building a welcoming, accessible, and thriving community.
This summer Kids World used a DEY Mini Grant to support their summer program for children 4-12 years of age and to provide the children with a unique and calming approach to exploring process art and nature play.
Our DEY Mini Grant for Alhambra Preschool Academy was used to purchase an outdoor table that allowed for wheelchair access. The in-ground mounted table allows access by the special education classroom and children with wheelchairs. The teachers use this table for sensory provocations, potting seedlings, and reading storybooks together.
Labor of Love Childcare in South Bend, Indiana is using their DEY Mini Grant award to host “Meet Me At the Museum” days at no cost to families. They held two dates in May and are planning more dates for August and beyond.